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Strong scientific support

Over the years, many studies to prove the efficacy and safety of Nasodren have been conducted, involving around 2,000 patients. Most of these articles have been published and many of them in journals indexed in PubMed.  
Last April, Rhinology (official Journal of the International Rhinologic Society) published the article “Cyclamen europaeum nasal spray, a novel phytotherapeutic product for the management of acute rhinosinusitis: a randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial” by Oliver Pfaar et al. From this study we obtain the following key messages:

  • Nasodren is effective and safe for the treatment of patients with Acute Rhinosinusitis assessed subjectively and objectively.
  • The specific symptom of facial pain/pressure significantly improved after 5 – 7 days treatment with CE. This is important since facial pain/pressure is undoubtedly one of the most severe symptoms affecting the patient’s quality of life in Acute Rhinosinusitis.
  • Endoscopic evaluation showed that mucus oedema/nasal obstruction improved significantly with CE. Improvement (defined as a sum of endoscopy scores of 0) was significantly higher with CE than placebo at the end of the study.
  • Both patients and investigators reported signi­ficantly greater treatment satisfaction with CE than placebo
  • CE is a safe product for the treatment of Acute Rhinosinusitis