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From pets and smell

Who during childhood didn’t want to have a pet? For centuries, dogs, cats, turtles, fish, birds etc. have become family pets.

An essential part of having a pet is feeding it. Just like humans, animals require a certain number of calories a day, depending on their age, size, weight and the activity they usually engage in. Obviously, these calories must be provided through adequate food. For instance, dogs should not be fed chocolate, milk, cheese, onion, garlic, raw eggs or… alcoholic beverages!

However, some pets, whether through neglect or not, receive inadequate food and drink. This was the case of Walter, a dog whose owner fed him doughnuts and beer and who was prone to foul-smelling flatulence.

Based on this real-life dog, William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray devised a story about a fat dog that overcomes two burglars with his smelly farts. It took eleven years for William and Glenn to find a publisher.

To date, Walter stories have been published in dozens of languages and millions of copies have been sold.

The story tells the life of a family that is asked to care for Walter by an aunt, just before she passes away. The family adopts Walter, but due to his flatulence the father wants the animal to go to a kennel. Fortunately for the dog, one of the children suffers from severe sinusitis and consequently is unaffected by Walter’s smelly farts. Together, Frankie and Walter go on adventures that include catching jewel thieves by stunning them with farts.

Although in this book sinusitis is the solution to a problem, in the real world sinusitis sufferers have a very poor quality of life and will therefore seek treatment. Even if they have a farting dog!

Do you have pets? Tell us your funny stories!

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