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How to grade sinus disease

How to grade sinus disease

The following general and disease-specific methods are used to grade chronic rhinosinusitis:

Child Health Questionnaire

Child health questionnaire (C.H.Q.), a general quality of life measurement test, has two versions: CHQ-87CF, child form and CHQ-50PF, parent form. CHQ-87CF, a form filled by children (the patient), contains 87 items, whereas CHQ-50PF, available in sixty languages, features 50 items to be answered by the parent. The test offers psychosocial and physical health scores.

Glasgow Benefit Inventory

Glasgow Benefit Inventory (G.B.I.), a retrospective assessment method, evaluates results of otorhinolaryngologic surgeries. The 18-item questionnaire includes questions on changes in health after the procedure. The 5-point Likert Scale-based answer options include extremely negative, negative, no change, positive and extremely positive. Using these 18 items one comprehensive scale featuring physical functioning, social support and general health subscales is developed. The G.B.I. scores vary from +100 to -100. Positive scores indicate betterment in quality of life, whereas negative score means deterioration and zero means no change.

Nasal Symptom Questionnaire

The questionnaire, based on Lund’s non-validated tool, was designed to assess nasal impairments. The 12-item instrument uses 4-point Likert Scale. The problems are rated on the 0 to 3 scale. “0” means no problem. If the score is three, the patient has severe sinus disease.

General Nasal Patient Inventory

General Nasal Patient Inventory (G.N.P.I.), a disease-specific approach introduced in 2003, contains 45 items that reduced its specificity. The inventory is rarely used due to its length.

Sinonasal-5 Quality of Life Survey

Sinonasal-5 Quality of Life Survey (SN-5) is used for children suffering from chronic rhinosinusitis. The quality of life assessment method is aimed at the parents of the child patient. The survey evaluates emotional impairment, allergic symptoms, restriction of activities, nasal obstruction and paranasal sinus infection. Take the test and find whether the young patient has mild or severe sinus disease

Sino-Nasal Assessment Questionnaire 11

Sino-Nasal Assessment Questionnaire 11 (SNAQ-11), validated in 2000, contains all important chronic rhinosinusitis symptoms, including nasal congestion, blocked nose and facial pressure / pain.

Rhinosinusitis Quality of Life Survey

Rhinosinusitis Quality of Life Survey (RhinoQOL) is an improvement over the chronic sinusitis survey (CSS). The 17-item survey does not cover changes in smell sense that is a main symptom of the disease. The survey focuses on time span instead of symptom severity. The instrument is hardly used to assess the disease.

You have so many options to record and monitor the sinus symptoms, so why not carefully observe the symptoms before they develop into severe sinus disease.

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