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Sinusitis and earacheCan sinusitis cause

Sinusitis and earache

Can sinusitis cause earache? Yes!
Sinusitis and earache are associated.  The pain in ear due to sinusitis is called referred pain (or the pain of nonotogenic origin). So take good care of your sinuses. The sinus infection may cause earache in many ways, such as

Treat both otitis media and sinusitis, and earache will resolve on its own. Analgesics, antimicrobials (amoxicillin, cefpodoxime…) and topical agents are used for the treatment of otitis media. In case of frequent occurrence of the ear infection, tympanostomy tubes are inserted into the eardrum to drain the fluids.
Change in diet may also help in healing the otitis media. For instance, do not consume soy, dairy items, eggs, citrus and other allergenic foods. Herbal eardrops and ear oils reduce fluid accumulation, pain and infection. Monkshood, Indian tobacco and St. John’s wort oils are generally used for the infection treatment. Cleavers, coneflower, eyebright, elderberry and marigold herbs facilitate the healing process. However, do consult your physician before starting treatment.

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