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Sinusitis, pheromones and sexual productivity

Experts on biological sexuality have long been researching the smell of sex hormones in sweat, called pheromones, which cause sexual desire in many animals, including humans.
Pheromones are chemical substances that send signals of smell to people of the opposite sex, naturally triggering feelings of sexual attraction.

A curious study was carried out about sexuality and fertility, which was conducted with miners from a particular mine in Pennsylvania. Researchers observed a generalised, catastrophically low number of active sperm. The level was so critically low that they had virtually no chance of having children. However, and interestingly, the number of children and the birth rate in this mining town was similar to that in any other town in America.

Researchers began studying this curious phenomenon. How was it possible to maintain a normal birth rate with such a drastically low active sperm count?
A clinical study involving a group of 300 miners for a period of 12 months was then conducted. The sperm of miners was collected and analysed fortnightly.

The results showed that sometimes the miners had a very low active sperm count, while at other times the number of sperm increased dramatically and reached normal levels.

Checking the causes of this strange active sperm production, the researchers reached the conclusion that the cause of these strange effects was the young nurse in charge of collecting the sperm samples.
The fact was that the peaks of active sperm production coincided with the fertile phase of the nurse! There was a direct relationship between the odor (pheromones) that the nurse produced during her ovulation and the highest levels of sperm.

Strangely, there were 40 miners that experienced no changes in their sperm count throughout the study. Researchers discovered that all 40 of these miners suffered from chronic sinusitis. Therefore, since they had loss of smell, they did not notice the nurse’s pheromones.

Accordingly, based on this study, we can conclude that treating sinusitis symptoms favours procreation!!

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