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Do I have sinusitis?
Sinus Infection is a frequent pathology that causes bothersome symptoms, affecting the quality of life of those who suffer from it.

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the mucosa of the paranasal sinuses. Inflammation of the mucosa of the sinuses (sinusitis) is associated with inflammation of the mucosa of the nasal cavity (rhinitis), which is why this disease is also called rhinosinusitis.

Normal paranasal sinuses

4 pairs of cavities that communicate with the nasal cavity by way of ducts and narrow holes. They are part of the upper airway defence system and produce about 1 litre of mucus each day. Under normal conditions, this mucus is eliminated (mostly swallowed), together with the harmful particles from the inhaled air.

Paranasal sinuses with sinus infection

Inflammation of the sinuses prevents the removal of mucus, which accumulates inside the sinuses and produces sinusitis symptoms.

Normal paranasal sinuses

4 pairs of cavities that communicate with the nasal cavity by way of ducts and narrow holes. They are part of the upper airway defence system and produce about 1 litre of mucus each day. Under normal conditions, this mucus is eliminated (mostly swallowed), together with the harmful particles from the inhaled air.

Paranasal sinuses with sinusitis

Inflammation of the sinuses prevents the removal of mucus, which accumulates inside the sinuses and produces sinusitis symptoms.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of sinus infection are due to the accumulation of mucus in the nostrils and paranasal sinuses, and the most frequent are:

Nasal congestion

Nasal congestion occurs due to a blockage of the nostrils, causing what is known as a “stuffy nose.”

Runny nose

Nasal secretion occurs when the nasal cavity is full of mucus.


When the sinuses are blocked, nasal pressure increases significantly and causes facial pain.

Loss of smell

The inflammation or blocked sinuses can affect the sense of smell.

Sinusitis classification

Depending on the duration of the symptoms, sinusitis is classified as acute, with symptoms lasting less than 3 months, and chronic when symptoms last for more than 3 months. Those who suffer from chronic sinusitis usually suffer about 3 exacerbations a year.

Causes of acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis is usually a consequence of the common cold, which is a viral infection. In some cases (about 2%), there is a bacterial superinfection. There are several factors that favour the onset of acute sinusitis:

  • Environmental factors: tobacco, pollution, temperature changes… .
  • Anatomical factors: deviation of the nasal septum, nasal polyps, small sinuses…
  • Allergy.
  • Asthma.
  • Diseases that affect the cilia (hairs that sweep the mucus out of the sinuses).

Causes and predisposing factors for chronic sinusitis

In addition to the factors that predispose a person to develop acute sinusitis, the main cause of chronic sinusitis are polyps, tissue growths that can block the nasal passages or sinuses.

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