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Six herbs for sinus congestion

Six herbs for sinus congestion

Traditional physicians value different parts of various common trees for the medicinal virtues. The parts are referred to as herbs. This article discusses some of the trees whose parts help in relieving sinus congestion.

Sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale)

The four feet tall perennial plant has dull green thick leaves. The yellow flowers bloom during July-September. The herb is found along meadows, roadsides, and marshes in the western part of the United States of America. The dried leaves and flowers are used as a snuff for inducing sneezing that clears sinus congestion. The root formula suppresses menstruation after the delivery.   

Blue Gum Tree (Eucalyptus globules Labill.)

The evergreen tree can reach the height of 150 feet. The smooth bluish bark peels into shaggy strips. The young blue-green leaves are fragrant and waxy. The native to Australia blue gum trees grow in the western United States of America. The leaves are used in steam inhalation therapy that resolves sinus congestion. The tree has strong ant-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Melaleuca alternifolia

The essential oil Aetheroleum Melaleucae Alternifoliae is obtained from Melaleuca, an indigenous plant from Australia. The pale-yellow color oil has myristic odor. Benefits of the oil for treating various skin disorders are clinically proved. In folk medicine, the oil is also used for resolving symptoms of sinus congestion, cough, tonsillitis, and nasopharyngitis but supportive clinical data is not available.


The plant genus offers several fragrant species with anti-bacterial properties. For example, P. sphacelatum (apple bush) and P. serrulatum have been used as an antiseptic and a decongestant in the Australian aboriginal therapies. For instance, pulp of the sticky leaves is inserted into the nostrils to resolve sinus congestion.

Manuka trees (Leptospermum scoparium and ericoides)

The red and white manuka trees are valued for wound-healing, anti-arthritic, and pain-relieving properties in folk medicine of New Zealand. The fragrant leaf infusion is inhaled as a decongestant that provides relief from upper respiratory tract problems, including sinus congestion and cough.

Common white ash (Bersama tysoniana)

The shrub grows in the coastal forests of South Africa. The 3-10 meter tall tree bears fragrant cream-white color flowers from April to May. Traditionally, the bark powder is snuffed for treating sinus congestion and headaches.
The above herbs for sinus congestion have been in use for ages but they may have some side effects. For instance, blue gum tree oil may cause irritation or burning.
Remember to consult your doctor before using the herbs for sinus congestion.
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