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Treating chronic sinus infection

10 questions about Sinuwave used for treating chronic sinus infection

What is Sinuwave™ Photodisinfection System?

Innovative and easy-to-use , a non-antibiotic treatment, uses antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT).  The system uses photodisinfection principles to treat chronic sinus infection.
The system is designed by the U.S. based Sinuwave Technologies Corporation.

What is aPDT?

aPDT is a brief process consisting of the following steps:
The therapy uses safe laser light to activate a topical photo sensitizer featuring ultra-pure Methylene Blue (MeBlue).
The custom coaxial irrigation catheter irrigates the sensitizer onto the affected paranasal sinus tissues and sticks to the pathogens residing on the membranes (mucosae).
The custom balloon catheter delivers activated light to the sinus membranes without causing any pain.

How does aPDT help?

aPDT plays multiple roles. For example, the therapy
    1. destroys various drug-resistant biofilms occupying the paranasal sinus membranes,
    2. eliminates planktonic viruses, fungi, and bacteria,
    3. removes protease and other local exotoxins,
    4. reduces inflammatory response,
    5. provides instant relief via vasoconstriction of the tissues, and
    6. improves activation of neutrophil.

Does aPDT encourage growth of “photo-resistant” bacteria?

Repeated a PDT does not make bacteria “photo-resistant” probably because the therapy uses a different mechanism than an oral antibiotic therapy to destroy the fungal and bacterial cells. In photodynamic technique, aPDT-induced oxygen radicals and singlet oxygen perforate the cell wall. The perforation damages cells and leads to protein inactivation and membrane lysis.

How are photodisinfection and antibiotics different?

Photodisinfection technique destroys microbes as soon as the light is activated. The non-antibiotic treatment therefore offers fast relief. On the other hand, antibiotics take hours or even days in resolving the symptoms.

Is photodisinfection a proven treatment?

Instant anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects of photodisinfection have been confirmed during testing.

How much log reduction in bacteria load did photodisinfection demonstrate during the tests?

Photodisinfection technology showed four-log reduction (99.99%) in bacteria in different systems although two-log reduction (99%) is enough for the chronic sinus infection treatment. Sinuwave would also demonstrate 4-log reduction.

When is used?

The treatment is used for the patients who do not respond to surgical and medical options.
The system reduces the sinusitis leading to formation of polymicrobial biofilms that are resistant to antibiotics. Just one treatment reduces the biofilm formation by 99.9%.

Is e an approved treatment?

Canada has approved Sinuwave. Clinical trials are in progress at the Canadian University of Montreal.

What are the benefits?

    1. Sinuwave would reduce the pain and pathogens such as fungi, viruses, and bacteria that are resistant to antibiotic.  
    2. The treatment would not require patient compliance.
    3. Sinuwave would not lead to drug interactions.
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