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Sinusitis testimonial: “I was trapped in that seat while feeling such deep pain”

some people sharing their sinusitis testimonials

some people sharing their sinusitis testimonials

By Judith Agundez (Barcelona, 1984)

“I’ve been working in Nasodren® ’s marketing department for almost 8 years now… but I didn’t try the product until 2 years ago. Since Nasodren® is such a specific product for sinusitis symptoms, it’s not like you can use it just to ‘see how it works’.
I knew all about the symptoms, the studies, the efficacy, etc. in theory, but I had never experienced it myself since I had never had a sinus infection.
Or that’s what I thought…

My story begins with a business trip with the marketing department to Vienna. I had a terrible cold that week due to low temperatures in Barcelona, but it wasn’t that bad as to cancel the meeting with our partners.
I was prepared: I had extra layers of clothes, a blanket for the plane, plenty of tissues and some painkillers just in case.

But I would have never expected what happened the moment the plane took off. IT WAS THE MOST PAINFUL EXPERIENCE I’VE HAD. E.V.E.R.
It was horrible; such a ridiculous awful pain just above my eyebrows that even when I think about it now, that memory is blurry. It was like having wooden sticks being carved into my forehead that got deeper inside with every feet the plane was going up.

The pressure was so strong that I only remember feeling my hands in my head trying somehow to ease the pain… and my tears. Oh, yes, I cried more in those 10 minutes than in half of my lifetime.
I just wanted it to stop and get out of there. But I couldn’t. I was trapped in that seat while feeling such deep pain.

I could only hear Jordi’s voice (our Medical Director) next to me when the plane got en route and the pressure lessened a bit. I was shaking and could barely answer. The pain was still vivid in my mind… as if it could come back anytime.

– Where does it hurt? Is it your sinuses? – Jordi aked me. I pointed right above my eyebrows. – Wait a moment, I’m going to prepare you a Nasodren® -.
So he stood up, took the suitcase and got one of the samples of Nasodren. While he prepared it, I started to feel embarrassed by the fact of crying and shaking in front of my colleagues.
– Go to the toilet and spray once into each nostril. And do not inhale, it’s not necessary.
– Why in the toilet?- I asked, with no intention of moving from my seat.
– Do what your doctor says…

So I went to the bathroom once it was available. And I’m glad I did. As soon as I put Nasodren® into my nose I started sneezing like crazy.
It was a non-stop series of noises and mucous that, honestly, I doubt people on the plane would have liked to watch or hear. The reaction was so strong that I almost hit my head with the hand washer while sneezing.
I wasted 3 packs of kleenex and had to get extra tissues from the vanity.

Once the effect had lowered, I returned to my seat. My colleagues were somewhat amused with the whole situation, which pissed me off. Hey! I was suffering a hell of a lot there!!

– It will work, you’ll see. Have some faith in the product you work for – Jordi said.

Yeah, sure. Faith. I was just cursing at the moment I decided to travel while being sick. I just sat there looking at the window the whole flight, hurt, scared, pissed and preparing myself for the landing.

And the landing came. And I felt the pressure. And… that’s it.
Just a bit of pressure. Nothing remotely close to the pain I had had 2 hours before.

– So, how was it? Better now? – asked Jordi.
– Wow… – Was all I managed to say.
– Keep spraying this week and you’ll get better soon.

And I did it. After all, I had a flight back two days later!

Now I spray Nasodren® every night before a flight, even if I feel fine. It may sound exaggeraed to you, but I want to erase any chance of experiencing that pain again”

Are you interested in sharing your story with everyone? If so, you only have to contact us via email and send us your testimonial. If you want to remain anonymous, you can do that without any problem. The only thing we ask from you is to write it in an appropriate language as we won’t post any offensive/unethical content.

If you’ve been through a bad experience related to sinus problems, don’t keep it to yourself!!!

Nasodren is 100% natural, with no rebound efect

Effectively reduces nasal congestion

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