Sinus infection? Get relief

Nasodren® Nasal Spray 50mg



Nasodren®  is a natural, unique, effective and safe treatment that quickly relieves all the symptoms of sinusitis and long-lasting cold.

  Instructions for use

What makes Nasodren® a different product?

Once a day - Nasodren

Once a day

Immediate action - Nasodren

Immediate relief

Natural - Nasodren

100% natural

Entrega rápida Nasodren

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Nasodren® is EFFECTIVE and SAFE

  • Included in the European Clinical Guidelines for the treatment of sinusitis (EPOS2012) with the highest level of recommendation (A).
  • Efficacy and safety demonstrated in 30 clinical trials published in the most relevant international medical journals
  • It only contains cyclamen extract, without excipients or preservatives
  • It does not produce a rebound effect or tolerance
  • Greater efficacy than the combination of 2 or 3 treatments
  • Relief from the first application

Ingredients and composition

Nasodren® consists solely of lyophilized powder obtained from a natural extract of fresh tubers of Cyclamen europaeum L. It does not contain preservatives or additives.

Each Nasodren® pack contains:

  • 1 bottle with 50 mg of Cyclamen extract powder
  • 1 bottle with 5 ml of water
  • 1 spray nozzle

How to use

Instructions for use: Download

How to prepare the solution:

  1. Open the bottle containing the powder by turning the cap counterclockwise and remove the cap.
  2. Open the plastic bottle containing the liquid by breaking the top.
  3. Pour all the liquid into the jar with the powder. Screw the spray nozzle onto the bottle and shake until the contents are completely dissolved. Wait until there is no visible foam.
  4. Remove the protective cap from the spray tip and press the spray tip 2-3 times. It is important to keep away from the body and avoid the eyes.

How to apply the solution:

  1. Keep your head vertical, without leaning forward or backward.
  2. Insert the mouthpiece into the right nostril and breathe deeply, holding your breath for 3-5 seconds. Then spray the solution by pressing the spray nozzle once. Exhale deeply through your mouth once and breathe regularly. Do not breathe while spraying the spray.
  3. Repeat the same action in the left nostril.
  4. Clean the spray tip with a tissue and replace the protective cap with the tip.

Nasodren®  should be used once a day in each nostril. Preferably two hours before going to bed, at the same time of day. Using more than once a day does not improve the result.

The recommended Nasodren®  treatment is 7-10 days, up to 14 days if necessary. If a second treatment with Nasodren® is worth waiting 7-10 days from the end of the previous treatment.

It is not necessary to use a decongestant when using Nasodren®  but if you want to use them, leave at least 2 hours between applying Nasodren®  and the decongestant.

Once the solution is prepared, Nasodren®  should be stored in the refrigerator at 2-8 ° C and protected from light, for a maximum of 16 days.

Do not use Nasodren®  if you are allergic to Cyclamen, Primula and / or other plants of the Primulaceae family. If you are taking anticoagulants or anticholinergics, check with your doctor before using Nasodren® .

Indicated for adults and children over 5 years old. The use in children must be supervised by an adult.

Experience and commitment

Hartington Pharmaceutical has been dedicated for more than 25 years to biotechnological research, the development and production of health products based on natural substances that offer added value to existing therapies.

The ultimate goal is to guarantee therapeutic efficacy and safety by modifying the natural course of the disease and thus improving the quality of life of patients.

Shipment information

All our shipments are by default managed through the MRW Express service. It usually takes one week to reach any part of the world. We also continue offering regular shipping with Correos, just take into account that it may take up to 3 months to reach the destination.

There are several countries to which we are not able to ship, such as:

  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic
  • Finland
  • France
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Israel
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Malaysia
  • Malta
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain >
  • Sweden
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vietnam

Please contact us for more information in case you need to order from any of those countries.

Satisfied customers

We are so sure of Nasodren® efficacy that if at the end of the treatment you do not feel improvement, we will refund your money.

You can check more information here.