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Who can resist the temptation of having a good glass of wine while enjoying a delicious steak? Is there any way to say ‘no’ to a refreshing beer under a blazing sun on a hot summer day? Obviously, if you are a teetotaller, you definitely can. Yet, most people who do drink alcohol, either very frequently or once in a while, have at some point had unpleasant experiences involving beverages of any kind.

Do you know anybody who hasn’t struggled with, at least, a terrible hangover? If so, let us know! The elderly often include hangovers in their ‘war stories, while the youth cope with such undesirable effects when parties go out of hand.

Although hangovers are the most common complaint among those who drink, alcohol can entail other short-term or immediate health problems. And it may just take a couple of sips for you to notice that something is wrong. If that’s the case, you could be facing alcohol intolerance, which usually results in symptoms such as facial redness, stuffy or runny nose, headaches, and breathing problems, to mention some.

Why me? I just had a beer!

When it comes to alcohol intolerance, quantity isn’t a reference. This is a genetic condition that makes your body incapable of breaking down the toxins present in alcohol, thereby triggering a physiological reaction. Some people barely drink and start to feel sick, thus suspecting that an early hangover is knocking on the door, but nothing could be further from the truth. Intolerance is the one to blame here. It may be caused by different elements, like sensitivity to preservatives and certain chemicals (for example, sulfites), a medication you are taking, or allergies to grains that can lead to sinus problems.

In fact, allergy to alcohol is usually confused with intolerance, though the former is just another reason to explain the latter; just as it happens with allergies to histamines, vasoactive amines found in beverages like wine and beer that prompt the dilatation of the blood vessels and give rise to increased mucus production.

How can I prevent it?

We are sorry to tell you, but the only way to prevent alcohol intolerance and, therefore, annoying symptoms like swelling in the sinus cavities is to avoid its consumption. However, you can also rule out those beverages that cause discomfort based on your experience. If you happen to suffer from a severe reaction or think that your problem might be related to some allergy, schedule an appointment with the doctor.

After all, we need to be aware of how our bodies react to alcohol. Nobody wants to be a party pooper, but it’s better to call it a night in good conditions rather than ending up tipsy… and sick.

Have you ever had any sinus problems right after drinking? As you can see, it’s not that unusual, though you should keep track of your symptoms so that you can detect what triggers them.

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