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Physiology of the nasal mucosa: vasomotor secretion function

The nasal secretion and vasomotor function of the nasal fossae is an autonomous function regulated by the neurovegetative system. The nasal mucosa has parasympathetic and sympathetic vegetative innervation. The parasympathetic fibres are excito-secretors that come from the sphenopalatine ganglion. Secretory response is fundamentally cholinergic and vascular response is noradrenergic. The sympathetic fibres are phreno-secretors, they come from the superior cervical ganglion. Sympathetic stimulation involves a vasoconstriction action that is also accompanied by nasal hyper secretion.

Respiratory physiology 

Respiratory function regulates the path of the movement of air currents and the passage of the air current.

In the human being, the core function of the nasal fossae is respiratory. The nasal fossae account for a resistance of 30-40% of total resistance to the entrance of air in inspiration, it is symmetrical and may vary according to the calibre of the nasal fossa.